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Many countries such as Iraq, Uganda, Guatemala, and many others have been known to abduct(诱拐)children and force them to serve in the army. The reason is that the enemy isn’t likely to suspect children as a real threat. Many non-government organizations are also known to abduct and force children into being child soldiers. Below we have some quotes from former child soldiers. “The army was a nightmare. We suffered greatly from the cruel treatment we received. We were often beaten, mostly for no reason at all, just to keep us in a state of terror. I still have a scar on my lip and sharp pains in my stomach from being violently kicked by the older soldiers. The food was not enough, and they made us walk with heavy loads, much too heavy for our small bodies. They forced me to learn how to fight the enemy.” ——Emilio, 14 They gave me pills that made me crazy. When the craziness got in my head, I beat people on their heads and hurt them until they bled. When the craziness got out of my head, I felt guilty. If I remembered the person, I went to them and apologized. If they did not accept my apology, I felt bad. ­­­——Michael, 13 As seen in the quotes, the army is not very friendly toward children. Forced to act like s, kill like s, and carry an ’s load, these children sometimes die from exhaustion(筋疲力尽). Below are some facts about child soldiers. Today, as many as 300,000 children under the age of 18 serve in government forces or armed rebel groups. Some are as young as eight years old. Children are most likely to become child soldiers if they have no money to buy food and clothes. Many children join armed groups because of economic or social pressure, or because children believe that the group will offer food or safety. Child soldiers are used all over the world. Here is a list of where child soldiers are used. 59.Many countries force children to serve in the army because__________. A.children are brave and strong B.the enemy doesn’t consider children as a threat C.there aren’t enough s to join the army D.they think children are very easy to control 60.Which of the following words can best describe Emilio’s feeling about his army life? A.Adventurous B.Happy C.Boring D.Terrible 61.When Michael became crazy, he would_____________. A.try to kill people B.apologize to people C.beat people violently D.feel guilty about himself 62.According to the passage, many children who become child soldiers_________. A.are very poor B.have lost their parents C.are loyal to their country D.are braver than other children
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【简答题】Many countries such as Iraq, Uganda, Guatemala, and many others have been known to abduct(诱拐)children and force them to serve in the army. The reason is that the enemy isn’t likely to suspect children...
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