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A. known
B. idea
C. feel
A. but it may 1 like forever
B. a person may have no 2 what is wrong
C. what is 3 as panic disorder
A panic attack is a sudden feeling of terror. Usually it does not last long, 4 . The cause can be something as normally unful as driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane. And it can happen even if the person has driven over many bridges or flown many times before. A fast heartbeat. Sweaty hands. Difficulty breathing. A lightheaded feeling. At first 5 But these can all be signs of 6 . The first appearance usually is between the ages of eigh and twenty-four. In some cases it develops after a tragedy, like the death of a loved one, or some other difficult situation.A. many
B. choose
C. think of
D. ways of
A. 1 only one language
B. 2 any reason not to
C. in 3 different ways
D. the most boring 4 seeing the world
I think every language has a certain way of seeing the world. Each is a whole different world—a whole different mindsets. I couldn"t possibly 5 because it would mean really giving up the possibility to be able to see the world 6 . So the monolingual lifestyle, for me, is the saddest, the loneliest, 7 There are so many advantages of learning a language; I really can"t 8 A. known
B. idea
C. feel
A. but it may 1 like forever
B. a person may have no 2 what is wrong
C. what is 3 as panic disorder
A panic attack is a sudden feeling of terror. Usually it does not last long, 4 . The cause can be something as normally unful as driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane. And it can happen even if the person has driven over many bridges or flown many times before. A fast heartbeat. Sweaty hands. Difficulty breathing. A lightheaded feeling. At first 5 But these can all be signs of 6 . The first appearance usually is between the ages of eigh and twenty-four. In some cases it develops after a tragedy, like the death of a loved one, or some other difficult situation.The history of transportation is very long and full of changes and inventions. It starts 1 walking, which is not any invention; it just takes energy. People used to walk to get to other places. If you wanted to get somewhere quickly, the 2 way to do that was to run. Actually, the first invention for transportation 3 was the shoe. Centuries ago there were no shoes, and people walked barefoot.
Then people invented 4 to transport themselves and materials from one place to another. In some cultures, people invented sledges (雪橇), 5 are a kind of board that you drag along the ground. You can tie things on the sledge to help carry them, but it"s a challenging invention 6 if you hit a rock with the sledge as you pull it, the contents can 7 . In other cultures, people invented the wheel, which they used to make it easier to move things—and people. That was the beginning of many innovations in transportation.
8 people had wheels they could invent other ways to travel. They could put the wheel on a board and make it a wagon, and then they could 9 that wagon to an ox or a horse and ride as well as carry materials. That wheel led to 10 we have today: trucks, automobiles, and even boats and planes. For example, there were steamboats that used giant wheels that turned with blades, pushing the water and pushing the boat forward.A. many
B. choose
C. think of
D. ways of
A. 1 only one language
B. 2 any reason not to
C. in 3 different ways
D. the most boring 4 seeing the world
I think every language has a certain way of seeing the world. Each is a whole different world—a whole different mindsets. I couldn"t possibly 5 because it would mean really giving up the possibility to be able to see the world 6 . So the monolingual lifestyle, for me, is the saddest, the loneliest, 7 There are so many advantages of learning a language; I really can"t 8 The history of transportation is very long and full of changes and inventions. It starts 1 walking, which is not any invention; it just takes energy. People used to walk to get to other places. If you wanted to get somewhere quickly, the 2 way to do that was to run. Actually, the first invention for transportation 3 was the shoe. Centuries ago there were no shoes, and people walked barefoot.
Then people invented 4 to transport themselves and materials from one place to another. In some cultures, people invented sledges (雪橇), 5 are a kind of board that you drag along the ground. You can tie things on the sledge to help carry them, but it"s a challenging invention 6 if you hit a rock with the sledge as you pull it, the contents can 7 . In other cultures, people invented the wheel, which they used to make it easier to move things—and people. That was the beginning of many innovations in transportation.
8 people had wheels they could invent other ways to travel. They could put the wheel on a board and make it a wagon, and then they could 9 that wagon to an ox or a horse and ride as well as carry materials. That wheel led to 10 we have today: trucks, automobiles, and even boats and planes. For example, there were steamboats that used giant wheels that turned with blades, pushing the water and pushing the boat forward.The history of transportation is very long and full of changes and inventions. It starts 1 walking, which is not any invention; it just takes energy. People used to walk to get to other places. If you wanted to get somewhere quickly, the 2 way to do that was to run. Actually, the first invention for transportation 3 was the shoe. Centuries ago there were no shoes, and people walked barefoot.
Then people invented 4 to transport themselves and materials from one place to another. In some cultures, people invented sledges (雪橇), 5 are a kind of board that you drag along the ground. You can tie things on the sledge to help carry them, but it"s a challenging invention 6 if you hit a rock with the sledge as you pull it, the contents can 7 . In other cultures, people invented the wheel, which they used to make it easier to move things—and people. That was the beginning of many innovations in transportation.
8 people had wheels they could invent other ways to travel. They could put the wheel on a board and make it a wagon, and then they could 9 that wagon to an ox or a horse and ride as well as carry materials. That wheel led to 10 we have today: trucks, automobiles, and even boats and planes. For example, there were steamboats that used giant wheels that turned with blades, pushing the water and pushing the boat forward.The history of transportation is very long and full of changes and inventions. It starts 1 walking, which is not any invention; it just takes energy. People used to walk to get to other places. If you wanted to get somewhere quickly, the 2 way to do that was to run. Actually, the first invention for transportation 3 was the shoe. Centuries ago there were no shoes, and people walked barefoot.
Then people invented 4 to transport themselves and materials from one place to another. In some cultures, people invented sledges (雪橇), 5 are a kind of board that you drag along the ground. You can tie things on the sledge to help carry them, but it"s a challenging invention 6 if you hit a rock with the sledge as you pull it, the contents can 7 . In other cultures, people invented the wheel, which they used to make it easier to move things—and people. That was the beginning of many innovations in transportation.
8 people had wheels they could invent other ways to travel. They could put the wheel on a board and make it a wagon, and then they could 9 that wagon to an ox or a horse and ride as well as carry materials. That wheel led to 10 we have today: trucks, automobiles, and even boats and planes. For example, there were steamboats that used giant wheels that turned with blades, pushing the water and pushing the boat forward.The history of transportation is very long and full of changes and inventions. It starts 1 walking, which is not any invention; it just takes energy. People used to walk to get to other places. If you wanted to get somewhere quickly, the 2 way to do that was to run. Actually, the first invention for transportation 3 was the shoe. Centuries ago there were no shoes, and people walked barefoot.
Then people invented 4 to transport themselves and materials from one place to another. In some cultures, people invented sledges (雪橇), 5 are a kind of board that you drag along the ground. You can tie things on the sledge to help carry them, but it"s a challenging invention 6 if you hit a rock with the sledge as you pull it, the contents can 7 . In other cultures, people invented the wheel, which they used to make it easier to move things—and people. That was the beginning of many innovations in transportation.
8 people had wheels they could invent other ways to travel. They could put the wheel on a board and make it a wagon, and then they could 9 that wagon to an ox or a horse and ride as well as carry materials. That wheel led to 10 we have today: trucks, automobiles, and even boats and planes. For example, there were steamboats that used giant wheels that turned with blades, pushing the water and pushing the boat forward.The history of transportation is very long and full of changes and inventions. It starts 1 walking, which is not any invention; it just takes energy. People used to walk to get to other places. If you wanted to get somewhere quickly, the 2 way to do that was to run. Actually, the first invention for transportation 3 was the shoe. Centuries ago there were no shoes, and people walked barefoot.
Then people invented 4 to transport themselves and materials from one place to another. In some cultures, people invented sledges (雪橇), 5 are a kind of board that you drag along the ground. You can tie things on the sledge to help carry them, but it"s a challenging invention 6 if you hit a rock with the sledge as you pull it, the contents can 7 . In other cultures, people invented the wheel, which they used to make it easier to move things—and people. That was the beginning of many innovations in transportation.
8 people had wheels they could invent other ways to travel. They could put the wheel on a board and make it a wagon, and then they could 9 that wagon to an ox or a horse and ride as well as carry materials. That wheel led to 10 we have today: trucks, automobiles, and even boats and planes. For example, there were steamboats that used giant wheels that turned with blades, pushing the water and pushing the boat forward.
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