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In late March, Southwest University became the first school in China to open a 24-hour hotline providing suicide-prion counseling.
College suicide is a heart-breaking and argumentative topic.Chinese college students have long been the focus of public attention: their youth, education and, most importantly, bright futures make them the envy of society.
However, in recent years, we've read more reports of student suicides.Perhaps that's simply because of society's attention with youth.But it could also signify the increasing troubled mental state of college students.
Many studies have sought to find out the causes of student suicides.Not surprisingly, the top factors usually include psychological and physical sickness, emotional trouble and peer pressure.Despair about their futures is also quickly becoming a leading factor: many students say they feel hopeless and confused about the direction of their careers in a crowded job market.
Thankfully, more and more universities and colleges are providing counseling services to address students' mental and psychological problems.These at least offer some comfort to students facing tough job prospects and personal difficulties.
From appointing in-house student counselors to setting up hotlines and recruiting students to help their troubled peers, many universities are efforts to fight student depression.There is no denying that much remains to be done, but such efforts are already working, helping students and saving lives.
However, the most important front in this battle lies with the students themselves.Whatever efforts school officials make, it is up to students to realize their problems and ask for help.Unfortunately, many students considering suicide refuse to seek help.By shutting themselves away, they can easily fall into vicious cycles (恶性循环), becoming even more easily hurt to personal
difficulties and the pressures of the outside world.
While establishing better on-campus psychological education and outreach programs as a step forward, students themselves must actively reach out for help.These ers are a reality for every
student, not only those who feel confused and depressed.
63.Why are there so many students that commit suicide?
A.Because of psychological and physical sickness.?
B.Because they feel hopeless and confused about their future.

C.Because of the emotional trouble.

D.All of the above.
.According to the article, all of the following are right except ____.
A.No university in China had a whole day hotline about suicide-prion before March.
B.Many people envy the college students their bright futures.
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