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Every few months, thousands upon thousands of people choose to leave work, skip school, and come
together to celebrate... The people come in all1and sizes throughout the world. What do they2 ? It
doesn't matter.  
The description above is related to3and celebrations all over the world; indeed, it may be a universal
way of looking at almost any celebration. Though the number of people joining in may4 , the spirit of the
is5to stay the same. The reason is that we6countless hours celebrating birthdays and other
special days to build
7between one another.  
Holidays and celebrations bring people8 . When people celebrate something, they ignore prejudice and
9 their shyness; celebrations bring people together10of who those people are.11 on serious occasions
where we remember past tragedies or the12 of a loved one, friends and family-and sometimes even
strangers -- come together to remember and13one another.   
Different celebrations involve different emotions (情感) and qualities, from14to dancing. The important
thing is not that we are throwing a party, but rather that we are coming together as one15and one world,
to celebrate together.   
Even in ancient16 , celebrations were used to bring people together. The Ancient Greeks had the
Olympics, which helped bring17among warring countries and states. The Greeks actually laid down all
of their arms during the s! In an ancient era (纪元) where war was extremely common, it is18to see
the power that the Olympics had on warring parties!
Indeed, such is the case today as well. All such holidays make us forget the troubles we19 and allow us
to be happy and experience the peace that is required to improve and help the world.
If only we held20every day...
( )1. A. dimensions
( )2. A. do
( )3. A. holidays
( )4. A. enlarge
( )5. A. lonely
( )6. A. keep
( )7. A. homes
( )8. A. out
( )9. A. forget
( )10. A. careful
( )11. A. But
( )12. A. worry
( )13. A. support
( )14. A. laughing
( )15. A. country
( )16. A. times
( )17. A. safety
( )18. A. important
( )19. A. face
( )20. A. s B. shapes
B. want
B. Sundays
B. decrease
B. impossible
B. spend
B. impressions
B. in
B. remember
B. caring
B. Even
B. meeting
B. mistake
B. singing
B. grade
B. states
B. peace
B. strange
B. make
B. wars C. lengths
C. celebrate
C. Mother’s Day
C. matter
C. bound
C. kill
C. bridges
C. together
C. cover
C. regarding
C. Only
C. loss
C. recognize
C. happiness
C. custom
C. s
C. competition
C. unbelievable
C. take
C. parties D. heights
D. think
D. Father’s Day
D. change
D. likely
D. find
D. acquaintances
D. up
D. exhibit
D. regardless
D. And
D. birth
D. praise
D. tears
D. society
D. stories
D. belief
D. believable
D. avoid
D. celebrations
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