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IF and WHEN often had lunch together. Their conversation always 36 on the things they hoped to achieve and they loved to talk about them.  ] This particular Saturday when they met for lunch, WHEN 37 IF wasn’t in a great mood(心情). After they sat at the usual table 38 for them, WHEN asked IF, “You don’t seem your usual 39 self(样子)?” IF replied,“Yesterday I saw a course I wanted to take. If only I 40 the time.” WHEN knew exactly how IF felt and said, “I too saw a 41 and I’ m going to register when I get 42 money.” WHEN then questioned IF, “What about the new job you were going to apply for?” IF answered, “I would have applied, but my 43 broke down. I couldn’t type my resume(简历).” “Don’t worry. I’ve been thinking about looking for another job also, 44 I’ll wait and when the weather gets 45 I will look then. I hate this awful weather.” The man sitting nearby heard them talking about when this and if that. When he couldn’t 46 it anymore, he went to them and said, “I think I know 47 you could solve your problems.” IF smiled and thought that even if he knew the 48 they faced, there was no way he could help! 49 , IF asked the man for advice. The man said, “Your conversation reminds me of an old 50 : IF and WHEN were planted, and nothing 51 .” IF and WHEN both looked surprised and began to feel 52 of living their life for the “ifs” and “whens”. Finally they came to a(n) 53 : next time they met, there would be no “ifs” or “whens”; they would 54 talk about what they had 55 ! 小题1: A. agreed 小题2: A. sensed B. focused B. insisted C. relied C. declared D. took D. promised 小题3:A. cleaned B. made B. bought D. reserved 小题4: A.sensitive B.honest C.cheerful D.clumsy 小题5: A.had B.spent C.seized D.valued 小题6: A.notice B.job C.course D.chance 小题7: A.lucky B.pocket C.enough D.paper 小题8: A.computer B.fridge C.camera D.recorder 小题9: A.or B.but C.for D.so 小题10: A.drier B.colder C.wilder D.nicer 小题11:A. take 小题12: A. if B. decline B. where C. support C. why D. watch D. how 小题13: A.changes B.expenses C.challenges D.possibilities 小题14: A.Anxiously B.Curiously C.Surprisingly D.Stubbornly 小题15: A.saying B.story C.habit D.fiction 小题16: A.rose B.grew C.removed D.remained 小题17: A.tired B.proud C.ashamed D.aware 小题18: A.ambition B.conclusion C.description D.agreement 小题19: A.even B.only C.still D.thus 小题20: A.discussed B.promised C.arranged D.achieved
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