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England still has a system which it’s had since the Second World War. (26) every patient in England is registered with one family doctor, almost always near where they live. If they’re ever sick, or if any of the family are sick, they go directly, (27) to the family doctor, unless it’s an emergency, who in most. cases, can (28) by himself. And about 20% of cases, if they need to see a specialist, he will send them on to whichever specialty is most (29) .
Rather than approaching a specialist directly, anybody who is sick under normal circumstances will go and see his general practitioner who is qualified (30) in all sorts of different illnesses and can provide (31) care. First of all, people tend to be registered with their general practitioners (全科医生) for a long period of time, so after a few years you tend to know the whole family, you tend to know each patient and the (32) in which they are turning up. You tend to have all the records to hand; you tend to know what illnesses they’ve had, what it’s likely to be and what’s in the family generally; which sometimes helps you, (33) somebody who would just turn up to a doctor they’ve never seen before. No money is (34) when you go to see a doctor in this country. The government pays to look after patients using a complex (35) , a lot of which depends on how many people are registered. England still has a system which it’s had since the Second World War. (26) every patient in England is registered with one family doctor, almost always near where they live. If they’re ever sick, or if any of the family are sick, they go directly, (27) to the family doctor, unless it’s an emergency, who in most. cases, can (28) by himself. And about 20% of cases, if they need to see a specialist, he will send them on to whichever specialty is most (29) .
Rather than approaching a specialist directly, anybody who is sick under normal circumstances will go and see his general practitioner who is qualified (30) in all sorts of different illnesses and can provide (31) care. First of all, people tend to be registered with their general practitioners (全科医生) for a long period of time, so after a few years you tend to know the whole family, you tend to know each patient and the (32) in which they are turning up. You tend to have all the records to hand; you tend to know what illnesses they’ve had, what it’s likely to be and what’s in the family generally; which sometimes helps you, (33) somebody who would just turn up to a doctor they’ve never seen before. No money is (34) when you go to see a doctor in this country. The government pays to look after patients using a complex (35) , a lot of which depends on how many people are registered.
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